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Procrastinator or Producer?

By Prime Advisory, 22 October 2019

Yes, I suppose the title isn’t quite correct because you could be both, but I got your attention, didn’t I? Are you procrastinating right now? If you are a procastinator that’s totally okay because this might be a productive procrastination situation and you spend 28 per cent of your day on distractions anyway.

With so many demands for your time and so many distractions beyond your colleague’s family and friends, can it ever change?

The answer, well that’s entirely up to you. You are the one who makes the choice as to what you do and how you do it. So you can either remain disorganised like 27% of office workers checking emails on average 13 hours per week, or you can consider the remainder of the article and take action and be a producer delivering results.

Top Tips

  • What you eat has a direct effect on how productive you are at work, experts suggest foods low in glycaemic carbohydrates including fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Fight the temptation of checking your emails, the first few hours set the tone for the day and get you pulled in many different directions. With a clear head get your creative juices flowing on projects before jumping into your inbox and what awaits.
  • Identify what distracts you, by tracking your work activity for one week and evaluate the cause and effect of your distractions to stop them in their tracks
  • Create a to-do list with priority levels and deadlines
  • Only schedule purposeful meetings and make them efficient, don’t book a meeting if it can be written in an email
  • Experts have found that working for 90-minute intervals maximises productivity, your mind needs a break and a reward so find a break schedule that works for you and stick to it! Be kind to yourself!

If you want to increase your productivity in your finances, have someone working on it who specialises in the field, give us a call, 02 9415 1511 or email us today and stop procrastinating!


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    The information contained on this website has been provided as general advice only. The contents have been prepared without taking into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should, before you make any decision regarding any information, strategies or products mentioned on this website, consult your own financial advisor to consider whether that is appropriate having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs.

    Important Notice: Financial Scams on the Rise. Don’t be fooled by fake emails or calls. Find out how to spot the signs.
