Bringing more possibilities to life: This is Prime 2.0

During the last 15 years, a lot has changed. Including us. As a company, we’ve evolved. More clients and more partners; more team members delivering more value. Together, helping more people realise their financial dreams.

We’ve decided to undergo a strategic evolution to update ourselves. Welcome to Prime 2.0. We’ve honed our values, our business, and our core philosophy. We’ve updated our brand identity, rewritten our stories, and built a new website, but some things haven’t changed.

We still love helping people make sense of their finances and seeing what’s possible. We bring clarity and give back control so people can pursue their dreams. This is the reason we love what we do – helping our clients get more out of life – together.

Redesigning our identity.

We’ve come a long way since we first opened our doors. It’s time to look at our brand. We’re celebrating that not only has our logo and look changed, but so has our conversation. We’ve created a distinctive set of brand of assets to help us stand out from the crowd.

Rewriting our story.

Every brand has a story to tell. Our story is how we connect with the people we serve, so we’ve rewritten our key messages to focus on our clients and the value we provide to them. We’ve become easier to understand with a fresh energy. We’ve infused harmony to our messaging, values, and services to eliminate the financial jargon.

Rebuilding our website.

After redefining our brand and messaging, our passion has only grown stronger. We’re inspired to help even more businesses and individuals design a life they love. We rebuilt our digital platform to improve customer experience and highlight what’s possible when we share our knowledge.

See our new website

This is PrimeAdvisory today.

We are both proud and excited to share our story with you. Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Your PrimeAdvisory Team See our new website
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
PrimeWealth Pty Ltd   ABN 81 127 580 858, Corporate Authorised Representative (ASIC 318155) and its advisers are Authorised Representatives of Paragem Pty Ltd.   ABN 16 108 571 875   Australian Financial Services Licence 297276

Important Notice: Financial Scams on the Rise. Don’t be fooled by fake emails or calls. Find out how to spot the signs.